Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Second Industrial Revolution

Answer the following questions by posting your answers on this blog: This should be finished during class and should not be a part of your homework for this weekend!

1. What is considered to be the Second Industrial Revolution?
2. What time period is it considered to have spanned?
3. What made it different to the Ist Industrial Revolution?
4. What important metal was replaced with another in the Second Industrial Revolution? Why was it an improvement for the world?
5. List the (5) inventions that came out of the Second Industrial Revolution that were the most important to the world. Include why you think these 5 were the most important.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Importance of the locomotive during the Industrial Revolution

Imagine that you are living in Manchester in 1830. Your task is to write a report stating the arguments that you would use if you were trying to convince a grandparent that the newly developed "Rocket" is safe way to travel to Liverpool in order to visit some of your other family members.

You may consider writing what the alternative means of transport might have been during this time and comparing them to using the "Rocket".

This assignment needs to be posted no later than 8:00am Monday 11/23.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Congress of Vienna Assignment

Assume the role of a newspaper editor in the early 1800's in Europe. Write an editorial - pro or con - on the Congress of Vienna and its impact on politics in Europe. This should be a minimum of 300 words and should be posted no later that 8:00am on Tuesday 10 November.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Napoleon Assignment

After our lecture on Napoleon Bonaparte and having done some research, describe ways in which Napoleon fulfilled the ideas of the French Revolution. Also describe ways in Napoleon betrayed the ideals of the French Revolution.

Students may want to start by comparing the Declaration of the Rights of Man (1791)with the Code Napoléon or the Napoleonic Code. (1804)

Both portions of this assignment should be written in commplete, detailed sentences and will be a part of your essay grade for this trimester.

All work must be posted no later than 8:00am Friday October 30.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Northern Ireland Webquest

Purpose: After having studied the Reformation and Martin Luther, 10th grade History students are now encouraged to find out how the split of the Catholic Church continues to affect societies around the world.

The Task: Students are to answer the questions below by doing research and writing a paragraph that effectively answers each of the nine questions. Students are required to paste their answers onto our class blog: prshistory.blogspot.com. It is hoped that students will have a better understanding of the issues in Northern Ireland after they have completed this assignment.

1. What has been the major issue in Northern Ireland during the last 3 decades?

2. Describe what happened to Ireland in 1921.

3. Describe what came to be known as “the troubles” from 1963-1985.

4. How has the British army and its presence in Northern Ireland influenced the struggle?

5. Who are the I.R.A. and what was their main grievance in Northern Ireland? In other words, what were they fighting for?

6. What happened on Bloody Sunday in 1972? Describe how this incident affected the struggle.

7. What steps were taken in the later part of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century to address the problem in Northern Ireland? Were they successful?

8. How was U.S. President Bill Clinton involved?

9. What is the current political situation in Northern Ireland? Is this fair to both sides?

Due Date: The assignment needs to be posted no later than 8:00am on Monday, October 5th.