This page will be used for Mr. Webber's P.R.S. students to complete assignments and to communicate with fellow students on issues surrounding our 10th grade World History class.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt brought up the United Nations during the Second World War. At this time, representatives of 26 nations gathered and pledged to continue the fight against the Axis Powers. The United Nations officially started on October 24, 1945 when the Charter was signed by China, Russia (Soviet Union), France, United Kingdom, and the United States. Therefore, it was founded after World War II to replace the League of Nations, so that they could stop wars between countries. The purpose of the United Nations is to achieve world peace by enforcing international law, security, economic development, social progress, and human rights. To accomplish these tasks, the United Nations is made up of six main departments: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Secretariat, the International Court of Justice, and the Trusteeship Council. The General Assembly is where most of the discussions take place to conclude on a final decision. The Security Council is for deciding certain resolutions to problems for peace and security. The Economic and Social Council is for assisting in promoting international economic and social development. The Secretariat is for providing studies, information, and facilities needed by the UN. The International Court of Justice is the primary judicial department. The role of the United Nations is to establish and keep world peace. Though this goal is nearly impossible, the UN tries its best to resolve any issues the world has. Having a conference with other countries to get to see and know their perspective and thoughts is better than just going to war to put an end to their differences. To do all of these things, the UN needs to have money. The UN gets money by assessed and voluntary contributors from member states. This means that countries donate money to the UN by volunteering. Though some countries donate more than others, the Assembly has come up with a principal that the UN should not be overly dependent on any one member to finance it.
The United States involvement in the United Nations started in the very beginning after the Second World War. The United States was the country that started the United Nations to stop wars and to provoke freedom and peace. President Franklin D Roosevelt came up with the idea of the UN and started it. He got most of his inspiration from the League of Nations that existed before the war had ended. So, the United States has always been apart of the United Nations. Some issues that the United States faces now while being part of the UN are: peace and security, poverty and development, climate change, and human rights and democracy. Though all countries are facing most if not all of these problems, these are the most important issues to the United States. The United States has five ambassadors that help to represent the United States and come up with a solution to these and many other issues. Susan Rice is the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Alejandro Wolff is the U.S. deputy representative to the UN, Brooke Anderson is the U.S. alternate representative for special political affairs, Rick Barton is the U.S. representative to the economic and social council of the UN, and Joseph Melrose Jr. is the U.S. representative for management and reform to the UN. Last year in 2009, the United States provided 22% of the United Nation’s budget. The U.S. is the only member of the UN that has met the highest amount of money that can be donated by a member of the UN. This tells and shows that the United States really cares and is devoted to keep the UN up and running so that they can eventually accomplish world peace.
The World Bank is one of the many agencies that exist in the United Nations. World Bank is the name or term used to describe an international fanatical institution. This agency provides leveraged loans to developing countries so that they can start off with some money to help them with creating infrastructure. Infrastructure is the basic physical and organizational structures needed by the society. These basic necessities include roads, water supply, sewers, power grinds, communication, and more. Infrastructure is also the services and facilities necessary for the economy to function. The World Bank was created in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference along with four other institutions. Delegates from many countries would attend the Bretton Woods Conference, but the most powerful countries that dominated negotiations were the United States and the United Kingdom. The World Bank is based in Washington D.C., and is headed by Americans. The World Bank is involved almost everywhere in the world. The World Bank tries to help the newer countries that are still in the developmental stages of creating everything that makes a country. The World Bank will look for these kinds of places and it will loan money to that country so that they can get the basic necessities they need to survive and to create jobs. Once jobs are created, the money will go around and around just like in a normal society. Therefore, the money loaned could be paid back, and the country would still have money to go around, while making more of their own currency.
One major country that the World Bank helped was and still is China. Back in China’s history, it was a country that had poor sanitation, communication, and other technological advances that made life in China harder than the present day China. Before being invested in by the World Bank, China was just another country among all countries. Many events lead to the United Nations involvement in China. Some of these events were: an earthquake recovery, Chongqing urban project, Liaoning technical education and training project, and a meeting between World Bank experts and Chinese policy makers. Since most of these events are recent, there were probably events long ago that initiated the help of the World Bank to improve the country in all ways possible. The United Nations provided help when the World Bank invested in China. It invested in many things such as: water sanitation, energy, housing, transportation, communication technology, education, and more. Some of these infrastructure items and necessities help get rid of poverty, improve health, expand communication, and improve education. Over the years of the World Bank helping China develop many results are noticeable. With the population of 1,324,655,000, it would be hard to see results. For example, the percent of people who suffer from poverty has gone down from 6% of the population to 2.8% in only eight years. Other examples include: life expectancy (from 70-73 years), people who can read (went from 65% to 93.7% in 18 years), and the urban development (has gone up 74% in 4 years). Overall the World Bank helps the people living in China live a better life by solving some of their problems for them and making life easier and more enjoyable
I think that the United Nations has made a great decision to have the World Bank help China because now, China is one of the most contributing countries in almost every continent’s society. The action that the World Bank took worked an will probably keep working until China is the most powerful country on the planet (which isn’t far away). We know that the loans worked because of all of the results that are seen as time goes by. I think that the UN should start to think about stopping the World Bank from helping China because sooner or later, China will have the money, the people, and the technology to do what the UN is and has helped them do in the past by themselves. As China keeps growing and becomes more powerful, they should donate just as much funds as the U.S. donates to the UN. In a way, helping China itself also helps the whole world because China makes most of the things that other countries use everyday. By the World Bank being a small part of the United Nations and helping countries in need, I could not imagine what all of the other assemblies do to make the world a better place. All of the assemblies combined create the UN who I think is necessary in the world because it is combined of each countries thoughts, which can solve many problems in the world. In the end, I believe that the UN will be able to reach its goal of providing peace to the world.
Works Cited:
UN Project China’s involvement in the United Nations is that the Republic of China was one of the first members of the UN and it is permanently on the Security Council. They also postponed Mongolia becoming part of the UN because they believed that Mongolia was apart of China. In 1971 The Republic of China was taken out of the United Nations and replaced by the Peoples Republic of China. The ROC keeps reapplying for admittance back into the UN but it has never worked because it never got enough votes. The World Health organization’s mission is to keep people healthy and to try to find vaccines and cures for diseases. This agency of the UN began on April 7th 1948. The World Health organization goes to countries in need and helps with rapidly spreading diseases such as Malaria and AIDS. They provide medicine and vaccines to those infected. In addition to trying to help the sick they also help prevent disease by encouraging people to eat healthy, and what kind of conditions effect our health. One of the big events that the world health organization was apart of was an outbreak of the bubonic plague in Zambia in 2001. Zambia is a country in southern Africa. It was originally part of the United Kingdom but gained its independence in October of 1964. It’s a poor country where most of the population lived below the poverty line and most have to live on two dollars a day. Around ten percent of the population is HIV positive and they have a high infant mortality rate as well. On March 15th 2001 there were 436 cases of the plague in Zambia. The local people believed that the plague was result of caused by witchcraft, but it was actually caused by diseased rats. The World Health Organization stepped in when they heard of this sudden outbreak. They sent epidemiologists and bacteriologists to Zambia to see what the conditions were. There they saw how many cases there were and brought medicine to help treat the people, like antibiotics. They also told the people living in the area to beware of the rats because they were spreading the disease. By doing so they were able to stop the outbreaks and they kept track of how many people were in the hospital, how many were infected and how many died. The World Health organization got the outbreak under control and only three deaths were reported. The WHO was able to accomplish their goal and the people got through it. .
I believe that the World Health Organization did a great job in dealing with the situation. They came in just in time and were able to get help for the people. The antibiotics treated and cured many and there was not a huge death toll. They reacted in timely matter and it was defiantly worth it. Because of what I have read about the country I don’t know if they could have afforded to buy the supplies or have the doctors that the WHO provided. I do believe that they could have done something about the rat population through. The people in Zambia would not have gotten sick if they didn’t live in conditions where they were close to the disease infested rats. I believe that they could have given them some ways to prevent this from happening again like rattraps. Another good thing that they did while in Zambia was the surveillance of the plague. By doing so the researchers are able to learn more about the plague and better understand it. Not only does the World Health Organization provide help for those who are ill, but research and look for cures to diseases. The WHO is partners with many pharmaceutical companies, which is where they get some of their medicine. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, as well as countries, private donors and other branches of the UN also fund the WHO. The World Health Organization is a world-changing agency because it cares about the sick and makes sure they are taken care of. The outbreak of the plague in Zambia would have been much worse if it were not for the World Health Organization and its funders. Bibliography
China and the United Nations." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 02 June 2010. . "WHO | 2001- Plague in Zambia." Web. 02 June 2010. . "WHO | 2001- Plague in Zambia." Web. 02 June 2010. . "World Health Organization." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 02 June 2010. . "Zambia." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 02 June 2010. <
Overview of the United Nations: The United Nations is an international organization founded after World War II that focuses on maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. United Nations was established by international organizations to cooperate on specific matters. The United Nations six main groups are the General Assembly (the main deliberative assembly), the Security Council (focuses on international peace and security), the Economic and Social Council (assists in promoting international economical and social cooperation and development), Trusteeship Council (currently inactive), International Court of Justice (primary judicial organ) and the Secretariat (provides studies and information and does the everyday jobs of the United Nations). United Nations also includes about fifteen agencies and other programmes and bodies. The United Nations is primarily known for peacekeeping and other activities involving peace; however, they also work to solve problems that challenge humanity. They work to promote human rights, protect the environment, fight disease and reduce poverty. They lead international campaigns against drug trafficking and terrorism. UN agencies standardize safe and efficient air travel and help to improve telecommunications. The organization is financed from assessed and voluntary contributions from its member states. China’s Involvement in United Nations: China is one of the major countries that support the United Nations. It was one the original countries that signed the Charter which established the United Nations. The People’s Republic of China is also a permanent member of the Security Council. Originally, China’s seat in all UN organs was previously held by the Republic of China (ROC), but has since been replaced by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Since China is one of the Security Council members, it has veto power, but combined China has only used their veto power seven times. Since the PRC has declared themselves as the only lawful representatives of China, the ROC has been trying to re-apply for UN membership. All attempts however have been denied.
Details of one agency in the United Nations: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is an international organization that seeks to promote peaceful use of nuclear energy and to inhibit its use for any military purpose. Though established independently, the IAEA reports to both the UN General Assembly and the Security Council. Its headquarters are in Vienna, Austria. The IAEA also raises its own money to help efforts by its Member States. The IAEA serves as an intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear technology and nuclear power worldwide. The IAEA encourages the development of the peaceful applications of nuclear technology. It also provides international safeguards against misuse of nuclear technology and nuclear materials. President Eisenhower first proposed the creation of an international body to both regulate and promote the peaceful use of atomic power. Later, in 1954, the United States proposed to the General Assembly the creation of an international agency to take control of fissile material, which can be used for either nuclear power or for nuclear weapons. The IAEA Statute was completed in 1957. The IAEA is involved mainly in places concerned with nuclear power or nuclear energy. The current Board members are Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, China, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Romania, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Unlike other agencies, the IAEA does much of its work with the Security Council and not with the United Nation Economic and Social Council. In 2004, the IAEA developed the Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT) which responds to the need of developing countries to establish, to improve, or to expand radiotherapy treatment programs. Case Study: Recently, Iran has been working to acquire nuclear energy to use. However, this idea has been rejected multiple times due to suspicions that Iran may use the nuclear energy to create nuclear bombs. The reason UN is hesitant to allow nuclear energy into Iran is because of a statement that said that Iran wanted to make Israel “a hole in the ground.” Iran originally had nuclear power support from the United States as a part of the Atoms for Peace program, but after the 1979 revolution, the government temporarily disbanded the project. They have restarted, however, with less Western assistance than before. The controversy over Iran’s nuclear program comes from Iran’s failure to “declare sensitive enrichment and reprocessing activities to the IAEA. Iran declares that its nuclear program is peaceful, and has only enriched uranium, used to create atomic bombs, to less than 5 percent. The IAEA had launched an investigation in 2003 and found that Iran had failed to meet its obligations under its Nuclear Proliferate Treaty (NPT) agreements. To address the concerns that Iran’s program may be diverted to non-peaceful uses, the IAEA has since been allowed to more stringently investigate Iran’s nuclear programs. The IAEA proposed an idea to allow Iran to have nuclear power, but dropped the plans due to pressure from the United States. The IAEA also constantly verifies Iran’s nuclear energy. After Iran refused to suspend enrichment, as required by the UN Security Council, the Council decided to widen the scope of the sanctions placed on Iran. The UN Security Council Resolution 1803, the Council again decided to extend the sanctions.
Personal Assessment The United Nations is an organization that works to solve global problems, and help solve everyday problems in the world. I personally believe that United Nations is a great organization that helps keep peace in the world, and tries to prevent war, famine, and other problems. The IAEA’s mission is guided by the interests and need of Member States, and the needs and plans embodied in the IAEA Statute. Currently, one part is working with Iran to fix their nuclear problem. I do believe that the United Nations should be involved with Iran to work this out because Iran’s nuclear program may affect everyone and the world peace as well. The agency should be funded because nuclear energy and nuclear weapons are important and need to be monitored. The agency affects the entire world, as nuclear bombs could destroy the whole world. I particularly like the mission statement of the IAEA, which is to pursue the “safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear sciences and technology.” I believe that the work the IAEA does effects everyone, as nuclear energy is almost global. Bibliography: "About IAEA: About the IAEA." International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Web. 04 June 2010. . Ross, Stewart. The United Nations. Chicago, Ill.: Heinemann Library, 2003. Print. Numbers, The. "Nuclear Program of Iran." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 04 June 2010. . 1954, November. "International Atomic Energy Agency." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 2 June 2010. Web. 02 June 2010. .
The United Nations was formed post World War II, in 1945. It was organized in order to create international peace and security among independent states. There were originally 51 members. Today, there are 192 members. The term “United Nations” was first introduced by President Franklin Roosevelt. The term referred to the Allies of World War II. The United Nations seems to be made up of five categories, including peace and security, development, human rights, humanitarian affairs, and international law. The United Nations has “operations for peace”, either with a military or a civilian component. The United Nations was the first international government organization that was supported by the United States. The United States currently is involved in peace and security, nonproliferation and disarmament, poverty and development, climate change, and human rights and democracy. The United Nation's organization mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was developed in November of 1999. It was established in order to observe the ceasefire and disengagement of forces in regards to the Ceasefire Agreement in the DRC. Previous to this involvement, Rwandan and Ugandan armies invaded the Democratic Republic of the Congo (then known as Zaire). This created a civil war in the Congo. The United Nations took action in reestablishing a civil Congo. My personal opinion of the United Nations is a positive one. I think that the United Nations started with great intentions of providing peace throughout the world. Currently, they are active in initiating discussion about major issues that touch the entire world. Although they have established operations throughout the world, these operations are not as effective as they are intended to be. The United Nations currently have an operation in Haiti. While this is a positive action that the United Nations is taking, it seems like the rest of the world is left in the dark as to whether or not these operations are effective. The United Nation also focuses on issues that affect many lives, such as drugs and crimes. They also spread the word regarding issues that are specific to a certain region, such as child soldiers. There is no doubt that these issues need to be addressed, but of course the question of whether or not the United Nations plays a bigger role than just spreading awareness. That being said, I believe that awareness is key to a positive outcome. I think that the United States, especially, needs to create awareness of issues that may not be headline news stories. It is those stories that become the pathway to the peaceful world that the United Nations is working towards.
Jake Smith and James Burdick June 1, 2010 PRS UN Investigation
• Created by peace loving states the goal of the United Nations is the maintenance of international peace and security, the development of friendly relations between states, and the achievement of cooperation in solving international economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems. It expresses a strong hope for the equality of all people and the expansion of basic freedoms. Since the start of the United Nations in 1945 there have been 63 "peacekeeping operations." In total there have been 130 nations that have contributed to the United Nations and there are 119 countries that are currently peace keepers. The United Nations is set up by a general assembly. The General Assembly was designed to be a deliberative body dealing chiefly with general questions of a political, social, or economic character. The General Assembly gives nations advice on what they should do on a political, social, or economic bases. 2.) China’s involvement in United Nations rests with the Peoples Republic of China. (PRC) The PRC began in 1971 taking the place the Republic of China. (ROC) The ROC turned to Taiwan and is still with them today. The PRC is part of the Communist Party of China and also allied with Russia. The PRC since 1971 has been known as the only legitimate government in China and continues to veto the presence of Taiwan in UN affairs. When the PRC was up for vote to be part of the UN the U.S. did veto. Also China’s support of Human Rights is opposite of United States. China has a one-child policy, capital punishment and lack of freedom in religion and media. China plays a key role in the UN and is very argumentative. • The FAO stands for the food and Agriculture Organization. The FAO administers programs to underdeveloped countries. The FAO does not have any power over any nations, but it tries to help out underdeveloped and developing nations. The FAO also offers technical aid, improves seeds, develops serums and vaccines, and aids in increasing forestry yields. The FAO gets most of its money from its members. The nations that are part of the FAO that can contribute money regularly to the FAO do and are expected to. The FAO relies on developed countries to contribute money regularly and to support underdeveloped countries. • Created by peace loving states the goal of the United Nations is the maintenance of international peace and security, the development of friendly relations between states, and the achievement of cooperation in solving international economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems. It expresses a strong hope for the equality of all people and the expansion of basic freedoms. Since the start of the United Nations in 1945 there have been 63 "peacekeeping operations." In total there have been 130 nations that have contributed to the United Nations and there are 119 countries that are currently peace keepers. The United Nations is set up by a general assembly. The General Assembly was designed to be a deliberative body dealing chiefly with general questions of a political, social, or economic character. The General Assembly gives nations advice on what they should do on a political, social, or economic bases.
The PRC is very involved in improving environment and safe energy sources. They are part of the UNDP that helps strengthen capacity, national and community levels, seeking out and sharing best practices, providing innovative policy advice and linking partners through pilot projects. The UNDP is also working to destroy poverty within China by making the “Picture This” contest. “The contest is open to amateur and professional photographers worldwide. Contestants may submit up to three different photographs, focusing on progress towards one of the eight MDGs, preferably in a developing country. The eight goals are: • Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger • Achieve universal primary education • Promote gender equality and empower women • Reduce child mortality • Improve maternal health • Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases • Ensure environmental sustainability • Develop a global partnership for development”
With the UNDP’s help China can be fixed quite fast. The one problem is the U.S. does not agree with everything China is up to. They strongly disagree with the one-child policy, lack of freedom and religion and capital punishment. U.S. believes this is taking away freedoms and is allowing the government to be to involved in personal choices. But that’s communism for you. I believe these actions will have a drastic affect on China in a positive way. These actions will work because they have a strong backbone behind them and a lot of support from the UN. The UN should definitely be involved in this issue because China is the world’s most populous country and creates the most domestic goods. But if this is to be funded it should be funded equally by the entire UN. This would help the whole world and the UN as a whole. The world would benefit through trade and products China has to offer. Also if China is in a good place they will be more fit to provide help to other less developed countries. It will also help the UN, if the whole UN helps to reunite China it would force them to work together, and isn’t that what they want. This last question does not matter, whether you are helping a small portion of the world, or a large part, it is still helping those in need and that is the point of the UN.
Works Cited "China and the United Nations." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 01 June 2010. . "Environment & Energy." United Nations Development Programme :: China. Web. 01 June 2010. . "History of the People's Republic of China." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 01 June 2010. . "UNDP Launches “We Can End Poverty” Photo Contest." United Nations in China. Web. 02 June 2010. . "Agencies of the United Nations —" Infoplease: Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Dictionary, Thesaurus. Free Online Reference, Research & Homework Help. — Web. 02 June 2010.
"United Nations: Organization and Principles —" Infoplease: Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Dictionary, Thesaurus. Free Online Reference, Research & Homework Help. — Web. 02 June 2010.
"Food and Agriculture Organization —" Infoplease: Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Dictionary, Thesaurus. Free Online Reference, Research & Homework Help. — Web. 02 June 2010.
Presentation UNDP- United Nations Development Programme is the UN’s global network connection. It works for change and tries to get other countries aware of problems. It works to connect countries together to help make a better life for those in need. China- The UNDP is really involved in China. It is also working to unite other countries to help China. Actions- They are working on uniting countries while raising money to help China through contests such as the “Picture this” contest. Goals- The eight goals are: • Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger • Achieve universal primary education • Promote gender equality and empower women • Reduce child mortality • Improve maternal health • Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases • Ensure environmental sustainability • Develop a global partnership for development”
Cullen Riley Colin McDuffie Allie Moriarty United Nations Research Project 1) Overview of the United Nations (1 page) - Its origin, purpose/goal, organization/makeup, activities, funding and current role in world affairs. The United Nations is an international organization that aims to keep peace and security between countries. The U.N. was started after the end of World War II on October 24, 1945 with the intent of international security, establishing better relations between countries, and providing a forum for dialogue between countries. The overall goal of the United Nations is to make the world a better place. President Franklin Roosevelt suggested the name “United Nations” and that was how the U.N. got its name. Within the U.N. there are 192 member states from around the world. The official languages for the United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. There are a wide range of issues that the U.N. deals with such as Peacemaking and Preventative Action, Peacekeeping, and Countering Terrorism. Within the United Nations there are six main branches; the General Assembly, the Security Council, t3he Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat. In these six groups there are more specialized groups of programs. The budget for the U.N. is $12.8 billion. The budget for the U.N. from 2008-2009 was 4.171 billion. The United Nations is funded from assessed and voluntary contributions from member states. 2) U.S. involvement in U.N. (10th grade students) China's involvement in the U.N. (9th grade students)(1/2 page) - The role, representative, funding, and support. The United States was the top contributor in 2009 by contributing 22% of the U.N. budget. The current role of the United Nations is to promote peace and security globally although the U.N. is infamous for talking instead of actually taking action. Some people criticize the U.N. for only talking a lot about potential issues instead of working towards a tangible goal. In the United Nations there is a lot of dialogue because one of its goals is a place to provide dialogue between countries.
3) Details of one agency in the United Nations (1 page) - Its origin, purpose/goal activities, places of involvement. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN works to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity and food security, and to better the conditions of rural populations, []. The FAO focuses most specifically on developing countries, as they contain 70 percent of the world's poor and hungry people, but also assists in developed countries. The FAO employs more than 3,600 staff members; approximately 1,600 professional staff and 2,000 general service staff. The FAO is an information network that receives funds from industrialized countries that aid in putting the knowledge to use. The FAO budget for the year 2008-2009 is US $929.8 million. The Food and Agriculture Organization is similar to the French Organization des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agricultu (ONUAA). The Food and Agricultural Organization aids countries in transition to modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries practices in their goal to ensure a nutritional diet for all, []. The FAO helps small farmers to increase their output in areas suffering from rising food prices. One example of its work is a US$10.2 million scheme to distribute and multiply quality seeds in Haiti, which has significantly increased food production, thereby providing cheaper food and boosting farmers' incomes []. 4) Case study of one place (country) where your agency is involved. King Leopold of Belgium colonized the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the early 1900s. Belgium was one of the pioneers of European industrialism. Early Bantu peoples (of the modern DRC region of Africa) were responsible for many of the current African linguistics. Over the centuries, Central Africa exhibited tough border disputes (as did many African societies). Currently, the FAO- Food and Agricultural Organization is most centered around the area of Africa, currently known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, because this area of the world has the most significant food/hunger issues (about 75 % of the population is suffering from hunger/starvation-highest rate in the world for a given country). The FAO/Un has a headquarters in the countries capital, which is important because it can make contact with the DRC even easier. The DRC joined the United Nations in 1960, as did the Republic of the Congo. After the Second World War, the DRC government officials wished to bring peace and social stability to its country-and they concluded in 1960, that joining the United Nations was their best option. Currently the UN is involved with over 50 million square miles of territory, and the FAO is currently focused on the DRC hunger issues. Currently, about half of the people living in the Central African region live off of about dollar a day or less. And of course, hunger is linked to poverty. In an effort to help Africa end world hunger, the UN joined with the “One Campaign”. From this, the United Nations raised $1billion in 2008 for helping African Agricultural stability (which was up from $230 million in 2007, showing that the UN has recently taken dramatic action with helping African Hunger issues- specifically the DRC were hunger/ starvation is most prominent). It is hard to oppose the assisting actions being taken by the UN to help poverty and hunger. Students from Santa Clara University called this, “ A moral Response”
5) Personal assessment of United Nations, your United Nations agency and its involvement in the place you chose. We agree with the United Nation’s decision go forth with an attempt to end hunger in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This is a “moral necessity” because the DRC is a Developing country that has the highest hunger/starvation rate (% of population) in the world. Programs such as the One Campaign and the TCP have had a significant impact on limiting this problem. Both programs have been supported by the United Nations, to help raise money for this issue (hunger/ poverty). The TCP focuses mainly on aiding agricultural stability in the DRC. This program has raised approx. $500,000 over the years. This money has been used to buy seeds and other farming supplies, as well as education programs. From this program, the DRC has produced 130 tons of rice 20,000 gardening hoes, and tens of thousands of insects/ bugs for composting- all of which are beneficial to agricultural production. The One Campaign has also helped raise money for the DRC. The goal of the Campaign is to end world hunger. Since the DRC has the highest percentage of starving civilians, the One Campaign has put more attention to this region of the world. The One Campaign has promised that if the major world superpowers (i.e. China, US) donate 1% of their GDP, then it would end world hunger. This campaign has a similar goal/mission to the FAO, and has had a major effect on the DRC today.
Works Cited "About FAO." FAO: FAO Home. Web. 04 June 2010. . "Agencies of the United Nations —" Infoplease: Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Dictionary, Thesaurus. Free Online Reference, Research & Homework Help. — Web. 04 June 2010. . Andre, Claire, and Manuel Velasquez. "World Hunger: A Moral Response." Santa Clara University - Welcome. Web. 04 June 2010. . "Congo, Democratic Republic of the." Welcome to Travel.State.Gov. Web. 04 June 2010. . "FAO: Democratic Republic of the Congo." FAO: FAO Home. Web. 04 June 2010. . "POPIN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)." Welcome to the United Nations: It's Your World. Web. 04 June 2010. . "U.N. Uses Food Aid as Lever to Lift African Farmers." Utah News, Sports, Events - Daily Herald Newspaper. Web. 04 June 2010. . "Working Opportunities with FAO." FAO: FAO Home. Web. 04 June 2010. . "World Hunger and Poverty — Global Issues." Global Issues : Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All — Global Issues. Web. 04 June 2010. .
President Franklin D. Roosevelt brought up the United Nations during the Second World War. At this time, representatives of 26 nations gathered and pledged to continue the fight against the Axis Powers. The United Nations officially started on October 24, 1945 when the Charter was signed by China, Russia (Soviet Union), France, United Kingdom, and the United States. Therefore, it was founded after World War II to replace the League of Nations, so that they could stop wars between countries.
ReplyDeleteThe purpose of the United Nations is to achieve world peace by enforcing international law, security, economic development, social progress, and human rights. To accomplish these tasks, the United Nations is made up of six main departments: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Secretariat, the International Court of Justice, and the Trusteeship Council. The General Assembly is where most of the discussions take place to conclude on a final decision. The Security Council is for deciding certain resolutions to problems for peace and security. The Economic and Social Council is for assisting in promoting international economic and social development. The Secretariat is for providing studies, information, and facilities needed by the UN. The International Court of Justice is the primary judicial department.
The role of the United Nations is to establish and keep world peace. Though this goal is nearly impossible, the UN tries its best to resolve any issues the world has. Having a conference with other countries to get to see and know their perspective and thoughts is better than just going to war to put an end to their differences.
To do all of these things, the UN needs to have money. The UN gets money by assessed and voluntary contributors from member states. This means that countries donate money to the UN by volunteering. Though some countries donate more than others, the Assembly has come up with a principal that the UN should not be overly dependent on any one member to finance it.
The United States involvement in the United Nations started in the very beginning after the Second World War. The United States was the country that started the United Nations to stop wars and to provoke freedom and peace. President Franklin D Roosevelt came up with the idea of the UN and started it. He got most of his inspiration from the League of Nations that existed before the war had ended. So, the United States has always been apart of the United Nations.
Some issues that the United States faces now while being part of the UN are: peace and security, poverty and development, climate change, and human rights and democracy. Though all countries are facing most if not all of these problems, these are the most important issues to the United States.
The United States has five ambassadors that help to represent the United States and come up with a solution to these and many other issues. Susan Rice is the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Alejandro Wolff is the U.S. deputy representative to the UN, Brooke Anderson is the U.S. alternate representative for special political affairs, Rick Barton is the U.S. representative to the economic and social council of the UN, and Joseph Melrose Jr. is the U.S. representative for management and reform to the UN.
Last year in 2009, the United States provided 22% of the United Nation’s budget. The U.S. is the only member of the UN that has met the highest amount of money that can be donated by a member of the UN. This tells and shows that the United States really cares and is devoted to keep the UN up and running so that they can eventually accomplish world peace.
The World Bank is one of the many agencies that exist in the United Nations. World Bank is the name or term used to describe an international fanatical institution. This agency provides leveraged loans to developing countries so that they can start off with some money to help them with creating infrastructure. Infrastructure is the basic physical and organizational structures needed by the society. These basic necessities include roads, water supply, sewers, power grinds, communication, and more. Infrastructure is also the services and facilities necessary for the economy to function.
ReplyDeleteThe World Bank was created in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference along with four other institutions. Delegates from many countries would attend the Bretton Woods Conference, but the most powerful countries that dominated negotiations were the United States and the United Kingdom. The World Bank is based in Washington D.C., and is headed by Americans.
The World Bank is involved almost everywhere in the world. The World Bank tries to help the newer countries that are still in the developmental stages of creating everything that makes a country. The World Bank will look for these kinds of places and it will loan money to that country so that they can get the basic necessities they need to survive and to create jobs. Once jobs are created, the money will go around and around just like in a normal society. Therefore, the money loaned could be paid back, and the country would still have money to go around, while making more of their own currency.
One major country that the World Bank helped was and still is China. Back in China’s history, it was a country that had poor sanitation, communication, and other technological advances that made life in China harder than the present day China. Before being invested in by the World Bank, China was just another country among all countries.
Many events lead to the United Nations involvement in China. Some of these events were: an earthquake recovery, Chongqing urban project, Liaoning technical education and training project, and a meeting between World Bank experts and Chinese policy makers. Since most of these events are recent, there were probably events long ago that initiated the help of the World Bank to improve the country in all ways possible.
The United Nations provided help when the World Bank invested in China. It invested in many things such as: water sanitation, energy, housing, transportation, communication technology, education, and more. Some of these infrastructure items and necessities help get rid of poverty, improve health, expand communication, and improve education. Over the years of the World Bank helping China develop many results are noticeable. With the population of 1,324,655,000, it would be hard to see results. For example, the percent of people who suffer from poverty has gone down from 6% of the population to 2.8% in only eight years. Other examples include: life expectancy (from 70-73 years), people who can read (went from 65% to 93.7% in 18 years), and the urban development (has gone up 74% in 4 years). Overall the World Bank helps the people living in China live a better life by solving some of their problems for them and making life easier and more enjoyable
I think that the United Nations has made a great decision to have the World Bank help China because now, China is one of the most contributing countries in almost every continent’s society. The action that the World Bank took worked an will probably keep working until China is the most powerful country on the planet (which isn’t far away). We know that the loans worked because of all of the results that are seen as time goes by. I think that the UN should start to think about stopping the World Bank from helping China because sooner or later, China will have the money, the people, and the technology to do what the UN is and has helped them do in the past by themselves. As China keeps growing and becomes more powerful, they should donate just as much funds as the U.S. donates to the UN. In a way, helping China itself also helps the whole world because China makes most of the things that other countries use everyday. By the World Bank being a small part of the United Nations and helping countries in need, I could not imagine what all of the other assemblies do to make the world a better place. All of the assemblies combined create the UN who I think is necessary in the world because it is combined of each countries thoughts, which can solve many problems in the world. In the end, I believe that the UN will be able to reach its goal of providing peace to the world.
ReplyDeleteWorks Cited:
UN Project
ReplyDeleteChina’s involvement in the United Nations is that the Republic of China was one of the first members of the UN and it is permanently on the Security Council. They also postponed Mongolia becoming part of the UN because they believed that Mongolia was apart of China. In 1971 The Republic of China was taken out of the United Nations and replaced by the Peoples Republic of China. The ROC keeps reapplying for admittance back into the UN but it has never worked because it never got enough votes.
The World Health organization’s mission is to keep people healthy and to try to find vaccines and cures for diseases. This agency of the UN began on April 7th 1948. The World Health organization goes to countries in need and helps with rapidly spreading diseases such as Malaria and AIDS. They provide medicine and vaccines to those infected. In addition to trying to help the sick they also help prevent disease by encouraging people to eat healthy, and what kind of conditions effect our health. One of the big events that the world health organization was apart of was an outbreak of the bubonic plague in Zambia in 2001. Zambia is a country in southern Africa. It was originally part of the United Kingdom but gained its independence in October of 1964. It’s a poor country where most of the population lived below the poverty line and most have to live on two dollars a day. Around ten percent of the population is HIV positive and they have a high infant mortality rate as well. On March 15th 2001 there were 436 cases of the plague in Zambia. The local people believed that the plague was result of caused by witchcraft, but it was actually caused by diseased rats. The World Health Organization stepped in when they heard of this sudden outbreak. They sent epidemiologists and bacteriologists to Zambia to see what the conditions were. There they saw how many cases there were and brought medicine to help treat the people, like antibiotics. They also told the people living in the area to beware of the rats because they were spreading the disease. By doing so they were able to stop the outbreaks and they kept track of how many people were in the hospital, how many were infected and how many died. The World Health organization got the outbreak under control and only three deaths were reported. The WHO was able to accomplish their goal and the people got through it.
I believe that the World Health Organization did a great job in dealing with the situation. They came in just in time and were able to get help for the people. The antibiotics treated and cured many and there was not a huge death toll. They reacted in timely matter and it was defiantly worth it. Because of what I have read about the country I don’t know if they could have afforded to buy the supplies or have the doctors that the WHO provided. I do believe that they could have done something about the rat population through. The people in Zambia would not have gotten sick if they didn’t live in conditions where they were close to the disease infested rats. I believe that they could have given them some ways to prevent this from happening again like rattraps. Another good thing that they did while in Zambia was the surveillance of the plague. By doing so the researchers are able to learn more about the plague and better understand it. Not only does the World Health Organization provide help for those who are ill, but research and look for cures to diseases. The WHO is partners with many pharmaceutical companies, which is where they get some of their medicine. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, as well as countries, private donors and other branches of the UN also fund the WHO. The World Health Organization is a world-changing agency because it cares about the sick and makes sure they are taken care of. The outbreak of the plague in Zambia would have been much worse if it were not for the World Health Organization and its funders.
China and the United Nations." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 02 June 2010. .
"WHO | 2001- Plague in Zambia." Web. 02 June 2010. .
"WHO | 2001- Plague in Zambia." Web. 02 June 2010. .
"World Health Organization." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 02 June 2010. .
"Zambia." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 02 June 2010. <
Overview of the United Nations:
ReplyDeleteThe United Nations is an international organization founded after World War II that focuses on maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights.
United Nations was established by international organizations to cooperate on specific matters. The United Nations six main groups are the General Assembly (the main deliberative assembly), the Security Council (focuses on international peace and security), the Economic and Social Council (assists in promoting international economical and social cooperation and development), Trusteeship Council (currently inactive), International Court of Justice (primary judicial organ) and the Secretariat (provides studies and information and does the everyday jobs of the United Nations). United Nations also includes about fifteen agencies and other programmes and bodies.
The United Nations is primarily known for peacekeeping and other activities involving peace; however, they also work to solve problems that challenge humanity. They work to promote human rights, protect the environment, fight disease and reduce poverty. They lead international campaigns against drug trafficking and terrorism. UN agencies standardize safe and efficient air travel and help to improve telecommunications.
The organization is financed from assessed and voluntary contributions from its member states.
China’s Involvement in United Nations:
China is one of the major countries that support the United Nations. It was one the original countries that signed the Charter which established the United Nations. The People’s Republic of China is also a permanent member of the Security Council. Originally, China’s seat in all UN organs was previously held by the Republic of China (ROC), but has since been replaced by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Since China is one of the Security Council members, it has veto power, but combined China has only used their veto power seven times. Since the PRC has declared themselves as the only lawful representatives of China, the ROC has been trying to re-apply for UN membership. All attempts however have been denied.
Details of one agency in the United Nations:
ReplyDeleteThe International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is an international organization that seeks to promote peaceful use of nuclear energy and to inhibit its use for any military purpose. Though established independently, the IAEA reports to both the UN General Assembly and the Security Council. Its headquarters are in Vienna, Austria. The IAEA also raises its own money to help efforts by its Member States.
The IAEA serves as an intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear technology and nuclear power worldwide. The IAEA encourages the development of the peaceful applications of nuclear technology. It also provides international safeguards against misuse of nuclear technology and nuclear materials.
President Eisenhower first proposed the creation of an international body to both regulate and promote the peaceful use of atomic power. Later, in 1954, the United States proposed to the General Assembly the creation of an international agency to take control of fissile material, which can be used for either nuclear power or for nuclear weapons. The IAEA Statute was completed in 1957.
The IAEA is involved mainly in places concerned with nuclear power or nuclear energy. The current Board members are Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, China, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Romania, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Unlike other agencies, the IAEA does much of its work with the Security Council and not with the United Nation Economic and Social Council. In 2004, the IAEA developed the Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT) which responds to the need of developing countries to establish, to improve, or to expand radiotherapy treatment programs.
Case Study:
Recently, Iran has been working to acquire nuclear energy to use. However, this idea has been rejected multiple times due to suspicions that Iran may use the nuclear energy to create nuclear bombs. The reason UN is hesitant to allow nuclear energy into Iran is because of a statement that said that Iran wanted to make Israel “a hole in the ground.” Iran originally had nuclear power support from the United States as a part of the Atoms for Peace program, but after the 1979 revolution, the government temporarily disbanded the project. They have restarted, however, with less Western assistance than before.
The controversy over Iran’s nuclear program comes from Iran’s failure to “declare sensitive enrichment and reprocessing activities to the IAEA. Iran declares that its nuclear program is peaceful, and has only enriched uranium, used to create atomic bombs, to less than 5 percent.
The IAEA had launched an investigation in 2003 and found that Iran had failed to meet its obligations under its Nuclear Proliferate Treaty (NPT) agreements. To address the concerns that Iran’s program may be diverted to non-peaceful uses, the IAEA has since been allowed to more stringently investigate Iran’s nuclear programs. The IAEA proposed an idea to allow Iran to have nuclear power, but dropped the plans due to pressure from the United States. The IAEA also constantly verifies Iran’s nuclear energy.
After Iran refused to suspend enrichment, as required by the UN Security Council, the Council decided to widen the scope of the sanctions placed on Iran. The UN Security Council Resolution 1803, the Council again decided to extend the sanctions.
Personal Assessment
ReplyDeleteThe United Nations is an organization that works to solve global problems, and help solve everyday problems in the world. I personally believe that United Nations is a great organization that helps keep peace in the world, and tries to prevent war, famine, and other problems.
The IAEA’s mission is guided by the interests and need of Member States, and the needs and plans embodied in the IAEA Statute. Currently, one part is working with Iran to fix their nuclear problem. I do believe that the United Nations should be involved with Iran to work this out because Iran’s nuclear program may affect everyone and the world peace as well. The agency should be funded because nuclear energy and nuclear weapons are important and need to be monitored. The agency affects the entire world, as nuclear bombs could destroy the whole world.
I particularly like the mission statement of the IAEA, which is to pursue the “safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear sciences and technology.” I believe that the work the IAEA does effects everyone, as nuclear energy is almost global.
"About IAEA: About the IAEA." International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Web. 04 June 2010. .
Ross, Stewart. The United Nations. Chicago, Ill.: Heinemann Library, 2003. Print.
Numbers, The. "Nuclear Program of Iran." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 04 June 2010. .
1954, November. "International Atomic Energy Agency." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 2 June 2010. Web. 02 June 2010. .
The United Nations was formed post World War II, in 1945. It was organized in order to create international peace and security among independent states. There were originally 51 members. Today, there are 192 members. The term “United Nations” was first introduced by President Franklin Roosevelt. The term referred to the Allies of World War II. The United Nations seems to be made up of five categories, including peace and security, development, human rights, humanitarian affairs, and international law. The United Nations has “operations for peace”, either with a military or a civilian component. The United Nations was the first international government organization that was supported by the United States. The United States currently is involved in peace and security, nonproliferation and disarmament, poverty and development, climate change, and human rights and democracy.
ReplyDeleteThe United Nation's organization mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was developed in November of 1999. It was established in order to observe the ceasefire and disengagement of forces in regards to the Ceasefire Agreement in the DRC. Previous to this involvement, Rwandan and Ugandan armies invaded the Democratic Republic of the Congo (then known as Zaire). This created a civil war in the Congo. The United Nations took action in reestablishing a civil Congo.
My personal opinion of the United Nations is a positive one. I think that the United Nations started with great intentions of providing peace throughout the world. Currently, they are active in initiating discussion about major issues that touch the entire world. Although they have established operations throughout the world, these operations are not as effective as they are intended to be. The United Nations currently have an operation in Haiti. While this is a positive action that the United Nations is taking, it seems like the rest of the world is left in the dark as to whether or not these operations are effective. The United Nation also focuses on issues that affect many lives, such as drugs and crimes. They also spread the word regarding issues that are specific to a certain region, such as child soldiers. There is no doubt that these issues need to be addressed, but of course the question of whether or not the United Nations plays a bigger role than just spreading awareness. That being said, I believe that awareness is key to a positive outcome. I think that the United States, especially, needs to create awareness of issues that may not be headline news stories. It is those stories that become the pathway to the peaceful world that the United Nations is working towards.
Jake Smith and James Burdick
ReplyDeleteJune 1, 2010
PRS UN Investigation
• Created by peace loving states the goal of the United Nations is the maintenance of international peace and security, the development of friendly relations between states, and the achievement of cooperation in solving international economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems. It expresses a strong hope for the equality of all people and the expansion of basic freedoms.
Since the start of the United Nations in 1945 there have been 63 "peacekeeping operations." In total there have been 130 nations that have contributed to the United Nations and there are 119 countries that are currently peace keepers. The United Nations is set up by a general assembly. The General Assembly was designed to be a deliberative body dealing chiefly with general questions of a political, social, or economic character. The General Assembly gives nations advice on what they should do on a political, social, or economic bases.
2.) China’s involvement in United Nations rests with the Peoples Republic of China. (PRC) The PRC began in 1971 taking the place the Republic of China. (ROC) The ROC turned to Taiwan and is still with them today. The PRC is part of the Communist Party of China and also allied with Russia. The PRC since 1971 has been known as the only legitimate government in China and continues to veto the presence of Taiwan in UN affairs. When the PRC was up for vote to be part of the UN the U.S. did veto. Also China’s support of Human Rights is opposite of United States. China has a one-child policy, capital punishment and lack of freedom in religion and media. China plays a key role in the UN and is very argumentative.
• The FAO stands for the food and Agriculture Organization. The FAO administers programs to underdeveloped countries. The FAO does not have any power over any nations, but it tries to help out underdeveloped and developing nations. The FAO also offers technical aid, improves seeds, develops serums and vaccines, and aids in increasing forestry yields. The FAO gets most of its money from its members. The nations that are part of the FAO that can contribute money regularly to the FAO do and are expected to. The FAO relies on developed countries to contribute money regularly and to support underdeveloped countries.
• Created by peace loving states the goal of the United Nations is the maintenance of international peace and security, the development of friendly relations between states, and the achievement of cooperation in solving international economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems. It expresses a strong hope for the equality of all people and the expansion of basic freedoms.
Since the start of the United Nations in 1945 there have been 63 "peacekeeping operations." In total there have been 130 nations that have contributed to the United Nations and there are 119 countries that are currently peace keepers. The United Nations is set up by a general assembly. The General Assembly was designed to be a deliberative body dealing chiefly with general questions of a political, social, or economic character. The General Assembly gives nations advice on what they should do on a political, social, or economic bases.
The PRC is very involved in improving environment and safe energy sources. They are part of the UNDP that helps strengthen capacity, national and community levels, seeking out and sharing best practices, providing innovative policy advice and linking partners through pilot projects. The UNDP is also working to destroy poverty within China by making the “Picture This” contest. “The contest is open to amateur and professional photographers worldwide. Contestants may submit up to three different photographs, focusing on progress towards one of the eight MDGs, preferably in a developing country.
ReplyDeleteThe eight goals are:
• Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
• Achieve universal primary education
• Promote gender equality and empower women
• Reduce child mortality
• Improve maternal health
• Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
• Ensure environmental sustainability
• Develop a global partnership for development”
With the UNDP’s help China can be fixed quite fast. The one problem is the U.S. does not agree with everything China is up to. They strongly disagree with the one-child policy, lack of freedom and religion and capital punishment. U.S. believes this is taking away freedoms and is allowing the government to be to involved in personal choices. But that’s communism for you.
ReplyDeleteI believe these actions will have a drastic affect on China in a positive way. These actions will work because they have a strong backbone behind them and a lot of support from the UN. The UN should definitely be involved in this issue because China is the world’s most populous country and creates the most domestic goods. But if this is to be funded it should be funded equally by the entire UN. This would help the whole world and the UN as a whole. The world would benefit through trade and products China has to offer. Also if China is in a good place they will be more fit to provide help to other less developed countries. It will also help the UN, if the whole UN helps to reunite China it would force them to work together, and isn’t that what they want. This last question does not matter, whether you are helping a small portion of the world, or a large part, it is still helping those in need and that is the point of the UN.
Works Cited
ReplyDelete"China and the United Nations." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 01 June 2010. .
"Environment & Energy." United Nations Development Programme :: China. Web. 01 June 2010. .
"History of the People's Republic of China." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 01 June 2010. .
"UNDP Launches “We Can End Poverty” Photo Contest." United Nations in China. Web. 02 June 2010. .
"Agencies of the United Nations —" Infoplease: Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Dictionary, Thesaurus. Free Online Reference, Research & Homework Help. — Web. 02 June 2010.
"United Nations: Organization and Principles —" Infoplease: Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Dictionary, Thesaurus. Free Online Reference, Research & Homework Help. — Web. 02 June 2010.
"Food and Agriculture Organization —" Infoplease: Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Dictionary, Thesaurus. Free Online Reference, Research & Homework Help. — Web. 02 June 2010.
UNDP- United Nations Development Programme is the UN’s global network connection. It works for change and tries to get other countries aware of problems. It works to connect countries together to help make a better life for those in need.
China- The UNDP is really involved in China. It is also working to unite other countries to help China.
Actions- They are working on uniting countries while raising money to help China through contests such as the “Picture this” contest.
Goals- The eight goals are:
• Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
• Achieve universal primary education
• Promote gender equality and empower women
• Reduce child mortality
• Improve maternal health
• Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
• Ensure environmental sustainability
• Develop a global partnership for development”
Cullen Riley
ReplyDeleteColin McDuffie
Allie Moriarty
United Nations Research Project
1) Overview of the United Nations (1 page) - Its origin, purpose/goal, organization/makeup, activities, funding and current role in world affairs.
The United Nations is an international organization that aims to keep peace and security between countries. The U.N. was started after the end of World War II on October 24, 1945 with the intent of international security, establishing better relations between countries, and providing a forum for dialogue between countries. The overall goal of the United Nations is to make the world a better place. President Franklin Roosevelt suggested the name “United Nations” and that was how the U.N. got its name. Within the U.N. there are 192 member states from around the world. The official languages for the United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. There are a wide range of issues that the U.N. deals with such as Peacemaking and Preventative Action, Peacekeeping, and Countering Terrorism. Within the United Nations there are six main branches; the General Assembly, the Security Council, t3he Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat. In these six groups there are more specialized groups of programs. The budget for the U.N. is $12.8 billion. The budget for the U.N. from 2008-2009 was 4.171 billion. The United Nations is funded from assessed and voluntary contributions from member states.
2) U.S. involvement in U.N. (10th grade students) China's involvement in the U.N. (9th grade students)(1/2 page) - The role, representative, funding, and support.
The United States was the top contributor in 2009 by contributing 22% of the U.N. budget. The current role of the United Nations is to promote peace and security globally although the U.N. is infamous for talking instead of actually taking action. Some people criticize the U.N. for only talking a lot about potential issues instead of working towards a tangible goal. In the United Nations there is a lot of dialogue because one of its goals is a place to provide dialogue between countries.
3) Details of one agency in the United Nations (1 page) - Its origin, purpose/goal activities, places of involvement.
ReplyDeleteThe Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN works to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity and food security, and to better the conditions of rural populations, []. The FAO focuses most specifically on developing countries, as they contain 70 percent of the world's poor and hungry people, but also assists in developed countries.
The FAO employs more than 3,600 staff members; approximately 1,600 professional staff and 2,000 general service staff. The FAO is an information network that receives funds from industrialized countries that aid in putting the knowledge to use. The FAO budget for the year 2008-2009 is US $929.8 million.
The Food and Agriculture Organization is similar to the French Organization des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agricultu (ONUAA). The Food and Agricultural Organization aids countries in transition to modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries practices in their goal to ensure a nutritional diet for all, []. The FAO helps small farmers to increase their output in areas suffering from rising food prices. One example of its work is a US$10.2 million scheme to distribute and multiply quality seeds in Haiti, which has significantly increased food production, thereby providing cheaper food and boosting farmers' incomes [].
4) Case study of one place (country) where your agency is involved.
King Leopold of Belgium colonized the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the early 1900s. Belgium was one of the pioneers of European industrialism. Early Bantu peoples (of the modern DRC region of Africa) were responsible for many of the current African linguistics. Over the centuries, Central Africa exhibited tough border disputes (as did many African societies). Currently, the FAO- Food and Agricultural Organization is most centered around the area of Africa, currently known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, because this area of the world has the most significant food/hunger issues (about 75 % of the population is suffering from hunger/starvation-highest rate in the world for a given country). The FAO/Un has a headquarters in the countries capital, which is important because it can make contact with the DRC even easier.
The DRC joined the United Nations in 1960, as did the Republic of the Congo. After the Second World War, the DRC government officials wished to bring peace and social stability to its country-and they concluded in 1960, that joining the United Nations was their best option. Currently the UN is involved with over 50 million square miles of territory, and the FAO is currently focused on the DRC hunger issues. Currently, about half of the people living in the Central African region live off of about dollar a day or less. And of course, hunger is linked to poverty.
In an effort to help Africa end world hunger, the UN joined with the “One Campaign”. From this, the United Nations raised $1billion in 2008 for helping African Agricultural stability (which was up from $230 million in 2007, showing that the UN has recently taken dramatic action with helping African Hunger issues- specifically the DRC were hunger/ starvation is most prominent).
It is hard to oppose the assisting actions being taken by the UN to help poverty and hunger. Students from Santa Clara University called this, “ A moral Response”
5) Personal assessment of United Nations, your United Nations agency and its involvement in the place you chose.
ReplyDeleteWe agree with the United Nation’s decision go forth with an attempt to end hunger in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This is a “moral necessity” because the DRC is a Developing country that has the highest hunger/starvation rate (% of population) in the world. Programs such as the One Campaign and the TCP have had a significant impact on limiting this problem. Both programs have been supported by the United Nations, to help raise money for this issue (hunger/ poverty).
The TCP focuses mainly on aiding agricultural stability in the DRC. This program has raised approx. $500,000 over the years. This money has been used to buy seeds and other farming supplies, as well as education programs. From this program, the DRC has produced 130 tons of rice 20,000 gardening hoes, and tens of thousands of insects/ bugs for composting- all of which are beneficial to agricultural production.
The One Campaign has also helped raise money for the DRC. The goal of the Campaign is to end world hunger. Since the DRC has the highest percentage of starving civilians, the One Campaign has put more attention to this region of the world. The One Campaign has promised that if the major world superpowers (i.e. China, US) donate 1% of their GDP, then it would end world hunger. This campaign has a similar goal/mission to the FAO, and has had a major effect on the DRC today.
Works Cited
"About FAO." FAO: FAO Home. Web. 04 June 2010. .
"Agencies of the United Nations —" Infoplease: Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Dictionary, Thesaurus. Free Online Reference, Research & Homework Help. — Web. 04 June 2010. .
Andre, Claire, and Manuel Velasquez. "World Hunger: A Moral Response." Santa Clara University - Welcome. Web. 04 June 2010. .
"Congo, Democratic Republic of the." Welcome to Travel.State.Gov. Web. 04 June 2010. .
"FAO: Democratic Republic of the Congo." FAO: FAO Home. Web. 04 June 2010. .
"POPIN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)." Welcome to the United Nations: It's Your World. Web. 04 June 2010. .
"U.N. Uses Food Aid as Lever to Lift African Farmers." Utah News, Sports, Events - Daily Herald Newspaper. Web. 04 June 2010. .
"Working Opportunities with FAO." FAO: FAO Home. Web. 04 June 2010. .
"World Hunger and Poverty — Global Issues." Global Issues : Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All — Global Issues. Web. 04 June 2010. .