Thursday, October 29, 2009

Congress of Vienna Assignment

Assume the role of a newspaper editor in the early 1800's in Europe. Write an editorial - pro or con - on the Congress of Vienna and its impact on politics in Europe. This should be a minimum of 300 words and should be posted no later that 8:00am on Tuesday 10 November.


  1. Five Powers bring hope to Europe:

    After eight months of grueling session meeting, Russia, Austria, Prussia, Great Britain and France have finally announced their resolution to solidify Europe as a power by increasing the stability of the surrounding nations. These powers have put upon themselves, the task of establishing life long peace. In order to achieve an equal balance of powers, the Netherlands have now been officially formed, German states are united, Switzerland is now recognized as a nation and Genoa has strengthened Sardinia by it’s addition to Italy.

    Klemens von Metternich, an Austrian Prince, has recognized that the stigma of the Revolution are it’s democratic ideals. In an exclusive interview, Metternich reveals, “The first and greatest concern for the immense majority of every nation is the stability of laws – never their change”. With this thought in mind, Metternich has come forth with his three goals to surround France with strong countries, strengthen Europe and return former royal families to the throne.

    The Five has allowed France to keep the power gained during Napoleon’s Rule. The powers fear revenge if France is stripped out all its reputation, and rightly so. Europe has seen the damage the ‘mob’ can do when unsatisfied.

    This assembly of the Five Powers bring hope to the people of Europe, our people have now seen that an entire continent CAN work together to being peace to politics. With this in mind, the prospect of the future of Europe brightens significantly.

  2. The Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna has greatly enhanced continental peace and equality. Now every country has a comparable amount of power and Europe is in total cooperation. The Congress of Vienna made sure to spread the power out creating bipolarity, which in turn creates stability among countries. When Napoleon ran France, the continent of Europe was very unstable. Now that land has been distributed evenly among countries along with power, the whole continent no longer needs to worry about attack because if one country tries to attack another, all of the other European countries will come to the threatened country’s aid. This system works to create a peaceful, comfortable balance among all European countries. This is definitely a pro to the Congress of Vienna.

    Additionally to the peace the Congress created, it also freed up trade roots by giving freedom of navigation in many rivers. The flow of trade will also help keep the balance. If every country learns to work together and rely on each other, the serenity of Europe could possibly last for years to come. This is another pro to the congress.

    The slave trade has been ended. This will create peace between the races and hopefully stop a rebellion before it happens. That is another pro to the Congress of Vienna.

    Finally, the major fallback of the Congress of Vienna’s actions was that the ideas and breakthroughs that were emphasized and spread by the French Revolution were completely overshadowed by the Congress of Vienna. The Congress’ main and possibly only goal was to create peace in Europe so there would be no more destructive wars or power-hungry dictators. They achieved this, no question, but is peace more important on a grand scale or a personal one? The people of France have once again been throne into an era of kings with too much power and peasants with not enough. The Congress has done this to them. The Congress, in only looking at peace on a grand scale, may have disturbed the peace once again by covering up the achievments of the lower class during the French Revolution. Can one country of not so peaceful citizens cause the whole continent to fall out of this peaceful balance? Perhaps not, but they have once before caused quite a stir…

    By Jenna Memmolo

  3. Editorial

    Recently, in June of the year 1815, a meeting between the large powers of Europe has concluded called the Congress of Vienna. What was supposed to be a four week discussion turned into an eight month debate. Caused by our late Emperor France, Napoleon, the Congress was established to ensure that no one in France could achieve this every again. The outcomes however seem to be worth it at the current moment in time. The congress has created stronger forces around France, uniting previously singular states and creating larger, more unified, nations. Though this does not look good for us French the large powers have not imposed any other punishment upon us which they had every power to do. Nothing has dramatically changed for the French people except that no large territorial conquests will occur in the near future. This is due to the fact that taking on the new, more powerful nations would be pointless and only leave us with defeat. Napoleonic minds must be shut down at this point for the only direction now the French can go is over the Pyranees mountains. Personally I find this fact pleasing for so many of our men were lost to the great conquests of Napoleon and many do not wish to fight in any more wars for a long period of time. Perhaps this is how the other large nations feel and there could perhaps be some time of peace in the violent world we live in. Perhaps our children will not have to taste the blood of our past and will have a less Napoleonic future.

  4. The congress of Vienna

    Well my fellow citizens it’s finally over. After 8 months of hard work the congress of Vienna has finally concluded their 4 week meeting. The congress gathered in November 1814 and what was supposed to be a 4 week meeting lasted until June 1815. The congress was made up of Europe’s “great powers”. Austria was represented by Prince Metternich, and the UK Visocount Castlereagh then by the Duke of Wellington and in its last weeks by Earl of Clancarty. Russia was represented by Karl Robert Nesselrode, France by Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-PĂ©rigord and Prussia by Karl August Von HardenBurg. The Congress was formed to discuss our late emperor Napoleon and to make sure that his mistakes were never again repeated and that there was never to be another Emperor. The congress however had more of an impact then planned? In order to strengthen the areas around France the congress unified smaller states to create larger and more powerful nations. Marvelous isn’t it? Now we don’t have to worry about another buffoon coming to power and ruining our nation’s good name! We need not worry; nothing has changed for our great nation, if anything we are even stronger. We don’t have to worry about a draft anytime soon because of the strength of our surrounding nations there won’t be anytime territorial problems arising for quite some time. And that was exactly the reason that the Congress of Vienna met, they don’t want anybody like napoleon to rise up and make so many drastic mistakes that result in the deaths of thousands. Now our nation can focus on more important things such as our economy and getting rid of the problems the French revolution caused us in the past. With the congress’ help maybe we can have peaceful lives.

  5. Nobody wants to deal with the aftermath of the major defeat of a leader, but with Napoleon no longer active in our Europe’s politics, we must find a way to be a proactive as possible. The Congress of Vienna has taken the first step in assuming the way Europe was, politically, but are they doing it in a way that benefits Europe?
    The Congress of Vienna, which is a series of meetings, conducted goals in order to create policies that Europe would follow. Following Napoleon’s defeat, heads of various European countries were inspired to develop peace among the countries.
    While peace seems like a very helpful idea in times like these, who exactly is making these crucial decisions? Not only were they made by only five countries (Russia, Austria, France, Great Britain, and Prussia), but they were conducted in secret. Does this mean that they really have our best interest at heart? Or does it convey that they do not run these ideas past other influential leaders? Will this affect France positively? This being said, Prince Metternich of Austria was determined to surround France with strong countries. Along with this goal, the prince decided to create two others as well. He planned to restore a balance of powers in Europe so that there would be no threats from one country to another. Along with this he wanted to bring back Europe’s royal families to the throne.
    The main purpose of not only Prince Metternich’s goals, but the goals of the Congress of Vienna, center around the strength of the countries surrounding France.
    While this seems, on the surface, to benefit France, it raises an unusual question. Is this making France vulnerable? If the surrounding countries of France are encouraged to be strong and powerful, it is easy for France to lose all power and therefore be influenced by the countries around it. Where does this leave Europe? If every country is trying to out do the other in strength, then there is the possibility of the loss of a continent and the gain of a power-craving group of people that do not have a clear idea of what they actually want to get out of this. However, there is always the chance that Europe will gain affective countries that in time will create a powerful, determined, and well adjusted place.

  6. After eight grueling months, the wait is finally over, my dear Frenchmen! The Congress of Vienna has announced their resolution on this very eighth of June in the year 1815. While all of France has been held in suspense, the Congress has been attempting to piece Europe back together after the reign of Napoleon, and now, ladies and gentlemen, their decisions have been made public.

    The legislature of Prussia, England, France, Russia, and Austria, led by Klemens von Metternich of Austria himself, set out with specific goals in mind. These include, but are not limited to: the restoration of a balance of powers in Europe, the surrounding of France with strong countries, and the reinstatement of royalty to the thrones of Europe.

    These men took great care to ensure that no country would be able to overpower another in Europe, something which will surely make certain that another Napoleonic era will not take place for a long time. The Congress was open-minded enough to not leave any country out, and make sure territories were equal and powers were alike. They even banned slave trade, something that is sure to prevent further revolutionary fevers in Europe.

    That being said, we in France were not forgotten about. The Congress did not leave us powerless, (something which many believe we deserve) showing a great deal of compassion towards what is now a country trying to get back up on its feet. To aid us in our rehabilitation, the Congress of Vienna also was gracious enough to establish strong countries around us. This includes the formation of the Netherlands from the former Dutch Republic and the former Austrian Netherlands, the German Confederation (previously separate German states), Switzerland as a neutral country (being on France’s border, this is surely a good thing), and the establishment of Piedmont-Sardinia.

    My Frenchmen, this is the beginning of a new era. The gathering of the Congress of Vienna, and the outcome of their meeting, has presented us with a new Europe, one who is sure to maintain long-lasting peace within itself and with it’s neighbors.

  7. The Congress of Vienna

    Austria has now been waiting patiently for six months, but there the Congress of Vienna still continues with no end in site. Our own Klemens von Metternich assures us the end is near and Europe will see improvements and prosperity soon, but Austria is tired of waiting. Napoleon has ravaged all of Europe and kept all nations paralyzed with fear. The Congress of Vienna has offered soloutions and promised peace and collective security for Europe. But the Congress has continued for so long, Austrians have began to doubt. Questions are being asked all over our beloved country. Will these nations ever agree? Is Austria really going to benefit in the end? The public has spoken and they demand answers.

    Russia, Prussia, Great Britian, France, and our own Austria are attempting to create peace and collective security throughout Europe. Napoleon's conquests have hurt, not only France, but the rest of Europe as well. The Congress of Vienna, taking place in Vienna, Austria, has been arranged in order to make sure Europe is secure, and no country may overpower another.

    Our prince and foreign minister, Klemens von Metternich has shared his personal goals of the Congress of Vienna. The first is to surround France with strong countries. The point of this is to keep the French at peace and at bay. Also, he believes a balance of power between countries will be benificial to Europe and Austria. That way, no country will be able to crush another as if it is an insignificant speck of dust and wars will be prevented. The final goal of von Metternich's is to restore Europe's royal families to the throne. The French have tested the concept of the populous ruling and the result has been a tragic disaster. The Congress of Vienna hopes to find a solution to the turmoil that has plagued Europe for so long.

    The Royal Austrian Times page 4

  8. European Superpowers Unite to Smother a French Tornado
    December 17th, 1814
    The English Beat

    This is the turn of the century. Years of living in fear of the demonic and ruthless tyrant shall come to an end! The monarchs of Europe, Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, Russia, and France, have been gathered in Vienna to solve the many problems in our midst. This is the first time that the entire continent of Europe has come together in cooperated politics. The main purpose is to tame the Tasmanian Devil, Napoleon. However, they shall also work to establish long lasting peace and improve the collective security of Europe. This meeting has been in session for the last four weeks. Even though the designated amount of time has already elapsed, it is uncertain just how long the rulers will need to restore balance to their countries after the terrors of war. None of their decisions have been shared with the press yet and we are eagerly anticipating the results of this epic gathering.
    The juicy gossip we have heard is that the Foreign Minister, the Prince of Austria, is very opposed to the democratic ideas proposed by the French revolution. He suggest an ingenious idea of surrounding the unstable France with stronger countries to prevent it from rising to power again. Of course this would apply to all European countries so each has equal power, preventing one nation from dominating another. It is clear that a monarchy is the only effective ruling system and that all European countries follow the lead of Great Britain.
    At the English Beat headquarters, we received inside information about the containment of France. The innovative strategy proposed suggests that small countries in Europe combine to form larger powers. The proposed combinations are the Austrian Netherlands and the Dutch Republic, Sardinia and Genoa, and 39 German states. Another significant development was the declaration that Switzerland is now a nation. This selfless act beautifully illustrates how compassionate the monarchies are for less fortunate countries. They even restored the previous monarchs to their positions after they were so brusquely dethroned by Napoleon. The merciful monarchs are even gracing the shamed France with kindness and restoring it’s rightful ruler. With this new setup, Europe is headed towards a new era of peace and prosperity.

  9. May 1815 – Paris

    Over the past 30 years, France has gone through the most unpredictable economic and political stage it has ever been through. There has been no stable alliance between France and its neighbors, and we have often been in wars (often ones that we do not support) with other countries. France’s resources have been drained and built back up, only to be drained again. Throughout this terrible age of instability, the French people have been driven insane wondering which political leaders they can trust and what wars they want to fight. Now, however, it seems as though we are about to reach the end of this age period in France’s history.

    Beginning late last year, French representatives met with leaders from the most powerful countries in the region. The biggest of these nations (which included Russia, Austria, Great Britain, and Prussia) were also all enemies of France at one time. The purpose of the meetings are to create goals for all of Europe to pursue together peacefully.

    Together, the nations made joint decisions regarding the issues of regional power, leadership, and security. For example, the representatives decided that in order to best prevent war, the nations should be approximately the same size. As a result, France will have to give back much of its conquered land. Other nations, however, will be built up. For example, two new nations, “the Netherlands” and “Germany” will also formed by combining several smaller states. Also, many good leaders who were dominated by Napoleon were also restored to their thrones in order to satisfy their people and make their country prosperous once more. Through these two tactics of making countries equally strong and putting good leaders on the throne, the delegates are confident that Europe will be able to restore peace and prosperity.

    The Congress of Vienna is scheduled to come to a close within the next few months. Most people see this new age of unification as a good thing, especially those in the lower and middle classes. Though many of the upper-class citizens oppose the congress, the French people see them as simply trying to maintain some kind of hold on whatever power they still have. The majority of the population realizes, however, that these meetings are essential in order to bring about economic and political stability in their lives.

  10. April, 1815
    La Chronique de Paris
    “If Successful, Congress of Vienna Final Blow to Revolutionary Legacy”

    The Congress of Vienna has dragged on for months past the original four week session, and with nothing to show for the time. Suggestions have ranged from the inflammatory (giving our bordering nations enough power to keep our own fine country contained) to the seemingly irrelevant (condemning the slave trade). The only certainty in these proceedings thus far is that our country of France will lose prestige, if these other “Great Powers” have their way.

    At this point, this “congress” seems futile because our great Emperor Napoleon is back from his exile in Elba. No diplomatic settlement among these powers can be reached without his consent, and as Britain, Prussia, Russia, and Austria do not recognize Emperor Napoleon as a legitimate leader, these proceedings will undoubtedly be fruitless. That being said, the self-declared “Great Powers” cannot be trusted.

    Metternich of Austria is openly wary of the democratic ideals of our Revolution. Furthermore, he has publicly stated that he wishes to strengthen nations around France, reinstate royal monarchies to all European governments, and restore a “balance of power” in Europe. Translation: Metternich opposes all progress made in France since the Revolution, fears our empire, and insists on crushing France as we have crushed so many other nations.

    How else could one explain Metternich’s interest in combining the Austrian Netherlands with the Dutch Republic, or in forming one country out of thirty nine German states? Why else would Britain, Prussia, Austria, and Russia have made it initially so difficult for us to attend the Congress of Vienna, forcing our representative Talleyrand to artfully insinuate France into the “inner councils”?

    Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria have sorely underestimated the French determination and nationalism if they feel that they can defeat our great empire, and our great emperor, solely by strengthening our neighbors. These countries seem to have even less regard for our principles if they can believe we will allow another hereditary monarchy. No matter what the Congress of Vienna decides, the other Great Powers mean to sound the death knell for the revolutionary legacy; however, if they dare try to control our country, the mournful wail will only signal their own doom.

  11. Congress of Vienna

    Ladies and Gentlemen peace is finally here! After 8 months of anticipation, Russia, Prussia, England, Austria, and France finally devised a new set of policies. Despite Napoleon’s previous achievements of gaining France ample power, the congress decided to create an even balance of powers in Europe. Foreign minister of Austria Klemes Von Metterrich had three major goals in this change. To surround France with strong countries, restore a balance of powers in Europe, and restore Europe’s royal families to the throne. This will bring great prosperity to Europe, since all the countries have each other’s backs, if any invasions occur, those attackers will face the armies of several powerful nations, instead of just one. This system ensures a dominant leadership, providing maximum protection for the citizens of these countries!

    Despite these miraculous ideas, I’m sorry to inform that some gained rights of the Revolution were not included in the congress’s plans. It saddens me to inform the peasant populous that the democratic ideas are now frowned upon, and royal families now attain supreme power. This restoration of old government trends is simply a tool to achieving peace throughout Europe. If you look at it this way, if our leaders are happy with their containment of power, there will be no incentive to gain more, ergo, peace will be cemented in our nations.

    However, don’t fret about these mild changes! Slave trade is now terminated, which will ensure our countries free from rebellion. Also, the countries all decided to open up their river trade routes, therefore each nation can get its needed resources easily. Now all countries will become dependent on each other, and therefore create a tighter bond.
    It’s now up to us to ensure that our cooperation under these new policies brings a prosperous peace for years to come!

  12. Congress of Vienna Condemns France, Napoleon Plans Confrontation.

    The “great” powers in Europe meeting to decide the fate of France has drawn on long past its curfew. The countries of Great British, Austria, Russia, Prussia, and the German Kingdoms continue to torment us with eventual prospects of usurping France’s mighty stature. Our great emperor, Napoleon, believes passionately in France’s power and has hence returned to lead us against the tyrannical schemers.

    Originally formed to dethrone our emperor and reestablish the corpulent nobles, the Congress of Vienna failed and now shall feel the unkempt fury of their prisoner. The Congress justifies their actions by claiming Emperor Napoleon is not a legitimate ruler. Yet every citizen in France well knows that what we as a great nation need is not paunchy out of touch nobles, but a true Frenchman who will provide for the wants and needs of his nation and restore it’s former glory. Napoleon Boneparte is that Frenchman and as his triumphant return has signaled, the Congress of Vienna will not for long pose a threat to France’s prestige.

    Napoleon once again amasses a magnificent army with which he will battle against the puppetmasters that try to control our fate. We shall not tolerate a France purposefully encaged by strong opposing nations. What they claim is a balance of power is truly just fear that our great nation will rise up and pulverize them as we have done countless times before. They seek no advancement for the lives of the Frenchmen, rather the scared dogs group up in an attempt to stop the strongest nation of all of Europe from having its rightful way with them. As Napoleon demonstrates, the Congress failed once and it shall fail again at trying to keep the pride and spirit of the noble Frenchman at bay.

  13. Europe Finds Peace?

    PARIS June 10, 1815

    After months of waiting, the Five Great Powers, Russia, Prussia, Austria, Great Britain, and France, have signed the Final Act at the Congress of Vienna. These meetings were originally supposed to be for four weeks, but ended up being eight months long. Have they heard of efficiency? Europe has been ravaged and controlled by the emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, but this congress hopes to create peace among Europe’s variety of countries. Not much is known about the details of decisions made in the Congress due to the fact that the Five Great Powers made most decisions in secret. It is impossible for Europe to find peace when every nation is not included in the decision making process. We are letting the Great Five Powers control all of Europe. As we have seen before with Napoleon and other rulers, one governing force that is not motivated for the entire continent will fail. The Great Five should have included all nations in their meetings, as an effort to satisfy all countries’ needs.

    Klemens von Metternich is a prince and foreign minster of Austria. As he only knows royalty, he disregards the French Revolution’s ideals. The rights and principles we fought incredibly hard for have simply been erased. It is as if the Revolution never even occurred. Unfortunately, our government cannot maintain the ethics that even Napoleon acknowledged. We, the people, have the obligation to preserve what we fought for. Though France is being suffocated, we will not let the same happen to our ideals.

    The Congress of Vienna is supposed to create peace among the European Nations by use of diplomacy, but it will not be able to accomplish anything. The average citizens must have input for nations to successfully coexist. If we allow the five most powerful nations to be in control of everything, then we are setting ourselves up for demise. It is only a matter of time until the Five Great Powers and their system fail.

  14. Peace at Last:

    Finally, after the French Revolution, the Directory, and Napoleon, France has been quieted. Waterloo brought to an end the 26 years of fighting between France and the rest of Europe. Napoleon has been sent to St. Helena where he cannot again escape, and the Congress of Vienna has been concluded.

    The Congress of Vienna was a series of meetings between the heads of European countries. It has set up policies that all of Europe must follow. Its goal was to establish lasting peace. Originally it was to last four-weeks, but it went on for eight months. Most of the decisions made in Vienna were made in secret between the “five great powers”: France, Great Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria. One very important person at the Congress was Klemens Von Metternich, an Austrian Prince.

    This has been the first time in history that an entire continent has cooperated in politics, and for the most part has produced astounding results. The Congress of Vienna has ensured a balance of powers; no country is able to overpower another. Collective security enforces this.

    The agreement is fair to all countries, including France, for the most part. The congress left France its power and dignity, so there is no need for revenge. However, the country is back to the size it was before Napoleon’s rapid expansion, and Louis XVIII is back in power. The French people are back to the same spot they were in before the Revolution: under a monarch’s rule.

    Many other countries have also had their old rulers put back on the throne, kicking out Napoleon’s replacements. Not only have countries been restored, but they have also been built. A group of 39 city-states now form Germany, the Austrian Netherlands were joined to the Dutch Republic to form the Netherlands, and Switzerland is now recognized as a nation. Sardinia has also been strengthened with the addition of Genoa.

    All in all, every country is satisfied, and it is predicted that a long peace will begin. Order is at last restored in Europe.

  15. The Congress of Vienna.

    August Landry for the Daily Parisian

    On Nov. 1 of last year, the great powers of Europe met concerning the state of Europe after France was defeated earlier that year. This productive meeting brought Prussia, Russia, Britain, Austria, and France. France was not given very much say in the matter; however, France was not left powerless. The goal of the congress was to create a more peaceful, safer, and equal Europe.
    Klemens Wenzel von Metternich of Austria lead the conference which was held in Vienna. His strategy to keep France under control was to make the surrounding countries stronger. He achieved this by allowing countries whose monarchs had been destroyed by Napoleon to put a monarch back in place.
    This congress destroyed everything that was achieved by the revolution. The revolution a monarch free environment that protected people from tyranny. The people had no say in the Congress. Ironically, this meeting that was held to help Europe was run by a power hungry Austrian aristocrat.
    France wasn’t left powerless in dynamic Europe. We were allowed a small say in European politics. The fruits of the congress’ labors will not be entirely in vain. Experts on the subject propose that this could possibly mean the end of wars in Europe for as long as 40 years. We hope that this power sharing agreement will result in a better europe for all.
